Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Hero

I had a phone call yesterday with a friend. A normal phone call turned into an opportunity to lift someone up, to praise the Almighty and worship together.

This woman I was speaking to is an amazingly strong lady! She has gone through so much in the last couple of years. She like most of us has gone back and forth in her relationship the Lord. She told me she has dove in head first this time and she is seeing the difference. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you…Matthew 6:33

We talked a lot about how we are to be open and willing to receive God’s blessings. We are good enough to receive all of them. Jesus paid the price for us, with His own blood so that we can be free and enjoy all the blessings we have and those that are yet to come. If we come to God not expecting much we won’t get very much. But, if we expect all that He has to offer we can be showered with His blessings. Like the old Santa Claus saying, “If you believe, you receive.” I am thankful for the blessings that haven’t even been given to me yet. Thank you, Jesus. I know I can always count on you.

Last week, I was a little down because of my finances and other things (like needing a new water pump for my car, arg!) and my mother would not let me feel sorry for myself. She said, If God brings you to it, He will also bring you through it. He will turn your trials into triumphs. BELIEVE, Believe in him. He is the answer to everything. Well, I keep my head up… I prayed for blessings… I thanked him before they got here….And I praised him, when they did get here! Open your mind and heart to everything He has to offer. He wants to give it all to you.

My Hero is coming to my rescue. He’s coming to save the day.

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