Tuesday, November 1, 2011

31 Days of Love

For the next 3 weeks I will be Louisville, KY.  I will be in school, getting trained for my new career at Humana.  This was a prayed for position and one of my written visions of faith that has come to be.  Glory be to God! 
For the next 31 days, I will be drowning in my new career with training, getting my feet wet and what not, so I’m leaving you with theses links. 
These are “31 Days of Love” links from http://www.time-warp.blogspot.com/ that Darlene did for the month of October.

"31 Days of Love" will challenge you daily to live beyond yourself, to put aside your preconceived ideas of what romance should look like, and seek out true love that is sacrificial and intentional.

This journey is merely a stepping stone of many that I pray will continue on in your hearts long past the 31 days.
Try to do just one a day, as I won’t be posting again until December.
Love to all!

November 1

November 2

November 3

November 4

November 5

November 6

November 7

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 11

November 12

November 13

November 14

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 18

November 19

On October 20, Darlene put her 31 Days of Love on hold so she could care for her ill father. Day 20 will be an older post on my own marriage.  Days 21 -31 will something related to marriage.  If Darlenes post's pick up, I'll slide her right back in where she picks up.

And it now has occured to me that there are only 30 days in November, so at that, we're done.  I hope you have enjoyed the links.  Blessings!